Social Media Post
Social Media Post : Stay Close To The Buyers 24/7
The face of digital marketing changed completely with the growing popularity of social media platforms. A whopping 2.60 billion people use Facebook actively. Twitter boasts of 330 million monthly active users. Any sane digital marketing professional would contend that the social media platforms are the treasure trove of leads and buyers. In fact, social media is an awesome way to keep in touch with the existing customers. But the dynamics of digital marketing are different when it comes to social media post. Read on to know more…

What’s So Special About Social Media?
The power of social media is immense. Raw emotions can be found on Facebook or Twitter. Brands have to leverage these emotions to come close to the customers emotionally. But it is easier said than done.
Understanding The Sentiments of The Buyers
The opportunity to interact with the customers and leads is perhaps the greatest gift that the social media platforms have given to the brand.
The paradigm of advertisement undertook a sea change when the social media ads gained traction. People can now reply to the ads. They can put forth their opinions. So the brands can grasp the pulse of the customers with ease.
People engaged in the marketing industry know that angry customers are better than silent customers. Angry customers will show you the demerits of your products. You can either sulk or use their opinions to improve your product – that’s the power of social media. Brands can directly reach the customers without any middleman in between.
The Lingering Effect
In case of traditional advertisements, what happens is – the viewer watches or reads the ads, thinks about it for a little while and then slowly that ads fade away from her brain. In case of social media, you can stay in the subconscious of the readers/viewers by posting updates on a daily basis. And it’s cost effective too. You can post as many updates as you want. Facebook or Twitter won’t take money for that space. And no, you don’t need to opt for paid ads always if you already have a significant number of followers.
Building Brand Awareness Becomes Easy
In the pre social media era, building brand awareness required elaborate advertising and PR campaigns. Not only were they expensive, they were time consuming as well. With the advent of social media, building brand awareness has become quite easy. With a combination of paid ads and daily posts, your brand can grow both organically and with the help of ads.
For The Relevant Eyes Only
One great thing about social media posts is, because of the algorithms of Facebook or Instagram or Reddit, it becomes easy to target only those people who take interest in the kind of products or service that you sell. So you get to engage with only high quality leads and potential customers.
A Leverage For Your Website
Many businesses use social media to generate traffic to their websites. This is a smart and less time consuming way of gaining quality referral traffic. What’s more, it is very likely that the people on the social media platforms who click on the links to your website will stay there for a while – otherwise they wouldn’t have clicked the links in the first place. So the bounce rate of your website will remain in control.
Insights – Both On Your Business Performance And About Your Customers
One of the greatest gifts of social media is it gives the brands the opportunity to realise what works and what doesn’t. For example, this list of case studies by Hubspot tells the story of a sunglass brand that realised that the ad form that showcased more than one models of the sunglass got more engagement than the standard ad showcasing a big image of only one model of sunglass. This A/B testing is possible in social media ads.
On the other hand, you can also gain insights about your customers. For example, you can see at exactly what time of the day you get more engagements from your potential buyers. You can use contact forms to capture leads. And ofcourse, you can directly chat with the customers. With advanced analytics tools like Facebook Pixel, you can see what kinds of actions the visitors to your website take after they visit your website by clicking on the Facebook ads.
How Dimensions Can Help You In Creating That Perfect Social Media Post
The social networking sites have made it easier for the brands to get customer engagement. But the challenge is to create engaging posts. It requires creativity and thorough knowledge of the market. At Dimensions, we combine creative ideas with business wisdom to create a post that the people love and that fulfills the purpose of your business. Anybody can spend money to get engagements. The challenge is to make social media posts that have the power to achieve organic engagements.
- On social media, people will engage with those posts that are either informative or entertaining. They won’t have the patience to read your sales pitch. At Dimensions, our web copywriters can help you create posts for Facebook or Twitter in such a way that they entertain your followers as well as hammer in the sales related messages that you want to deliver.
- We at Dimensions always try to showcase the outcome of using your product or service. Merely showcasing the product features will not create the same effect. This is the era of instant gratification and we have to create posts that align with this paradigm.
- Capturing the attention of the users is the main challenge when it comes to social media posts. On social media, people are bombarded with information, ads and updates. In order to make the posts stand out, our creative content writers use the simplest ideas, simplest words and simplest design. People should be able to read what you are trying to say within 15 seconds – they won’t stop scrolling just to read your post carefully. So we endeavour to make ‘love at first sight’ kind of content.
- Social media platforms are visual platforms without images and graphics, your posts won’t get much attention. Our copywriters make sure that each of the social media posts are adorned with pictures and designs.
- Each social media platform is different. One size will not fit all. That is why we ask our clients where they intend to use our content. For Facebook we make content that is intimate and that subtly suggest the readers to talk more about the theme. But when it comes to Twitter posts, we focus on making our posts retweet worthy. Again, we maintain a professional tone in our posts that are meant for LinkedIn
- Hashtag is a nice technique to reach more people. Our content writers take into account recent events, news and trends and add hashtags to the social media posts ( that are relevant to the topic) to make the posts reach a large number of audience.
- There are certain etiquettes to follow when it comes to niche social media sites like Reddit or Quora. Our content marketers never deviate from these community guidelines. Rest assured, the image of your brand will remain intact if you work with us.
At Dimensions, we are not arrogant to say that we are perfect in creating social media posts. But we keep ourselves updated with the latest innovation in the social media sphere and use them to help you reach as many people as possible. At the end of the day, remember that it is the human beings who use social media. At Dimensions we create posts that humans love algorithms favour.