Stand Out with Thought Leadership Content. But Should You Outsource It?

Outsourcing Thought Leadership Content - Rethinking The Agency Approach

As a founder, innovator and leader, your mind may be bustling with ideas and thoughts that have the power to reshape perspectives.

But how often are you able to pen them down? 

Unfortunately, valuable insights and experiences remain unspoken.

The abundance of ideas and a lack of time has a silver lining. It has created a platform where thought leaders and agencies come together to create impactful, well-crafted, and value-generating thought leadership content which resonates with the audience.

Nevertheless, such content is not generic; therefore, leaders can be sceptical about going the agency way. 

But why is outsourcing thought leadership content the right move? Here is our take on the topic. 

But first, let's understand what is thought leadership content?

We often mistake thought leadership content as a type of content.

On a superficial level, it is safe to deem it as one. But as we delve deep, we understand it is more of an approach. The primary thought behind this approach is establishing a relationship between your brand and others in the niche. Thought leadership content can determine how you want to be viewed by others in the industry. 

Thought leadership content humanizes your brand. It demonstrates you are more than just a faceless organization out to make money. You have real people at the helm who have higher goals, passion and vision. You care about your company and your customers.

A thought leader to follow: American Express

Financial services giant American Express’s Business Class insights blog is a classic example of thought leadership content generated by a third party. As an insight blog, the Business Class blog provides actionable tips and helpful advice from real-world experience. 

Now here comes the interesting part! American Express is leveraging user-generated content and insights. A few daily visitors to the blog contribute to a significant portion of the thought leadership content. It is an excellent way to simultaneously build stronger relationships with your target audience while curating the expert insights they appreciate.

Why outsourcing thought leadership content to an agency is a smart move?

One of the concerns thought leaders usually voice when outsourcing leadership content is that with time, the quality can and does decline. The leader’s thoughts and the writer’s ideas often become two parallel lines that never meet. Thus what we get is diluted and sub-par thought leadership content. Yet, it is not a reflection of the writer’s art but a gap in understanding. 

Next, we have AI writing tools. No, we are not taking a jibe at modern technology. But using AI tools for writing thought leadership content indeed is not the best choice. There is always a chance of getting duplicate content that seldom aligns with the actual ideas. Therefore, there is still a lot of ambiguity and back and forth regarding outsourcing thought leadership content. 

Despite these issues, most thought leaders value content and find it necessary to build a personal brand, establish authority and build real connections in and out of their niche. But content creation may be challenging for the CEOs and CMOs. Time becomes the prime constraint. Next, converting thoughts into words requires a certain flare that can be missing in some cases. Here is where an agency can step in. 

There are three things we can do for you:

  1. Dedicate time to pen down your ideas and thoughts and bring them to the surface. That’s what we love to do.
  2. Your experiences and ideas are the skeletons. We will help you add the skin to them and present it to your audience.

  3. We will add the human touch. We will ensure that you get human-generated content that is not generic, robotic or plagiarised.


    Here is a tip: Before committing to an agency, put them to the test. Most agencies and writers are willing to give you free sample content that showcases their skills.


    Click on the button below to request your sample of thought leadership content today. 


How to avoid ‘me too’ content when outsourcing thought leadership content?

Did you think outsourcing thought leadership content would come without a downside? That is wishful thinking! One of the biggest risks of asking others to create thought leadership content is that it often leads to me-too content. Here is what we are talking about:

  1. Every tech company, writing about ‘7 big AI trends of 2023.’
  2. Three out of five B2B companies share the ‘ultimate guide’ for XYZ and only talk about rudimentary concepts.
    1. Collaborate with the writer to create a distinctive and well-designed roadmap that helps them tap into the unique ideas of the people in your company who actually have them. Sharing personal stories and anecdotes can unlock a new level in the content creation game.
    2.  Do not underestimate the power of case studies. These can generate distinctive thought leadership ideas and share unique insights you have gained on the job. But here, brevity would be more of a blunder than wit. Go into the minute details of the case, and discuss the challenges and motivations behind finding a solution before ultimately sharing the benefits and wisdom.

      While we are at it, here is another benefit of outsourcing content: we know what NOT to do!

      Companies sharing ‘useful hacks’ which may be old news to many.

      Don’t take this the wrong way. There is ample space and a constant need for all types of content. But it is vital to understand their nuances and how they differ from one another. Here are two things you can do to help the writer create impeccable thought leadership content: 

As one of the top-ranking content writing focused digital marketing agencies, how can we weigh in?

At Dimensions Content Writing Services, we have a pool of experienced writers from various niches. Besides mastering the art of crafting articulated content, our writers have also developed a deep understanding of their respective spaces. Therefore, our team can assist in analyzing trends, drawing insights and sharing your thoughts that have the power to alter perspectives. Get in touch with us to start creating meaningful thought leadership content. 


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